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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/11/22 15:40:26

美国加州大学旧金山分校Tanja Kortemme课题组的一项最新研究,开发出模块化蛋白质感知-响应系统的计算设计策略。该研究于2019年11月22日发表于国际一流学术期刊《科学》。





Title: Computational design of a modular protein sense-response system

Author: Anum A. Glasgow, Yao-Ming Huang, Daniel J. Mandell, Michael Thompson, Ryan Ritterson, Amanda L. Loshbaugh, Jenna Pellegrino, Cody Krivacic, Roland A. Pache, Kyle A. Barlow, Noah Ollikainen, Deborah Jeon, Mark J. S. Kelly, James S. Fraser, Tanja Kortemme

Issue&Volume: 2019/11/22

Abstract: Sensing and responding to signals is a fundamental ability of living systems, but despite substantial progress in the computational design of new protein structures, there is no general approach for engineering arbitrary new protein sensors. Here, we describe a generalizable computational strategy for designing sensor-actuator proteins by building binding sites de novo into heterodimeric protein-protein interfaces and coupling ligand sensing to modular actuation through split reporters. Using this approach, we designed protein sensors that respond to farnesyl pyrophosphate, a metabolic intermediate in the production of valuable compounds. The sensors are functional in vitro and in cells, and the crystal structure of the engineered binding site closely matches the design model. Our computational design strategy opens broad avenues to link biological outputs to new signals.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aax8780

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/366/6468/1024

