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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/11/22 15:27:13

比利时鲁汶大学Georg Halder研究组发现,Hippo通路中的效应蛋白YAP和TAZ在肿瘤周围的激活能够抑制小鼠肝癌。这一研究成果于2019年11月22日发表在国际学术期刊《科学》上。





Title: Peritumoral activation of the Hippo pathway effectors YAP and TAZ suppresses liver cancer in mice

Author: Iván M. Moya, Stéphanie A. Castaldo, Laura Van den Mooter, Soheil Soheily, Leticia Sansores-Garcia, Jelle Jacobs, Inge Mannaerts, Jun Xie, Elisabeth Verboven, Hanne Hillen, Ana Algueró-Nadal, Ruchan Karaman, Matthias Van Haele, Weronika Kowalczyk, Maxime De Waegeneer, Stefaan Verhulst, Panagiotis Karras, Leen van Huffel, Lars Zender, Jean-Christophe Marine, Tania Roskams, Randy Johnson, Stein Aerts, Leo A. van Grunsven, Georg Halder

Issue&Volume: 2019/11/22

Abstract: The Hippo signaling pathway and its two downstream effectors, the YAP and TAZ transcriptional coactivators, are drivers of tumor growth in experimental models. Studying mouse models, we show that YAP and TAZ can also exert a tumor-suppressive function. We found that normal hepatocytes surrounding liver tumors displayed activation of YAP and TAZ and that deletion of Yap and Taz in these peritumoral hepatocytes accelerated tumor growth. Conversely, experimental hyperactivation of YAP in peritumoral hepatocytes triggered regression of primary liver tumors and melanoma-derived liver metastases. Furthermore, whereas tumor cells growing in wild-type livers required YAP and TAZ for their survival, those surrounded by Yap- and Taz-deficient hepatocytes were not dependent on YAP and TAZ. Tumor cell survival thus depends on the relative activity of YAP and TAZ in tumor cells and their surrounding tissue, suggesting that YAP and TAZ act through a mechanism of cell competition to eliminate tumor cells.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw9886

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/366/6468/1029

