近日,美国宾州州立大学Luke Glowacki、哈佛大学Samuel A. Mehr、Manvir Singh等研究人员合作揭示了人类歌曲中的普遍性和多样性。这一研究成果于2019年11月22日发表在国际学术期刊《科学》上。
Title: Universality and diversity in human song
Author: Samuel A. Mehr, Manvir Singh, Dean Knox, Daniel M. Ketter, Daniel Pickens-Jones, S. Atwood, Christopher Lucas, Nori Jacoby, Alena A. Egner, Erin J. Hopkins, Rhea M. Howard, Joshua K. Hartshorne, Mariela V. Jennings, Jan Simson, Constance M. Bainbridge, Steven Pinker, Timothy J. O’Donnell, Max M. Krasnow, Luke Glowacki
Issue&Volume: 2019/11/22
Abstract: What is universal about music, and what varies We built a corpus of ethnographic text on musical behavior from a representative sample of the world’s societies, as well as a discography of audio recordings. The ethnographic corpus reveals that music (including songs with words) appears in every society observed; that music varies along three dimensions (formality, arousal, religiosity), more within societies than across them; and that music is associated with certain behavioral contexts such as infant care, healing, dance, and love. The discography—analyzed through machine summaries, amateur and expert listener ratings, and manual transcriptions—reveals that acoustic features of songs predict their primary behavioral context; that tonality is widespread, perhaps universal; that music varies in rhythmic and melodic complexity; and that elements of melodies and rhythms found worldwide follow power laws.
DOI: 10.1126/science.aax0868
Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/366/6468/eaax0868