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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/11/16 12:41:17

2019年11月14日出版的《新英格兰医学杂志》发表了土耳其伊斯坦布尔大学Gülen Hatemi研究团队的最新成果,他们的研究探讨了阿普司特治疗白塞病相关口腔溃疡的疗效和安全性。






Title: Trial of Apremilast for Oral Ulcers in Behet’s Syndrome

Author: Gülen Hatemi, M.D.,, Alfred Mahr, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D.,, Yoshiaki Ishigatsubo, M.D., Ph.D.,, Yeong-Wook Song, M.D.,, Mitsuhiro Takeno, M.D., Ph.D.,, Doyoung Kim, M.D., Ph.D.,, Melike Melikolu, M.D.,, Sue Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.,, Shannon McCue, Ph.D.,, Maria Paris, M.D.,, Mindy Chen, M.S.,, and Yusuf Yazici, M.D.

Issue&Volume: 2019-11-13



The small-molecule phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor apremilast modulates cytokines that are up-regulated in Behet’s syndrome. In a phase 2 trial involving patients with Behet’s syndrome, apremilast reduced the incidence and severity of oral ulcers. Data on the efficacy and safety of apremilast in patients with Behet’s syndrome who had active oral ulcers and had not previously received biologic agents are limited.


In a phase 3 trial, we randomly assigned, in a 1:1 ratio, patients who had Behet’s syndrome with active oral ulcers but no major organ involvement to receive either apremilast at a dose of 30 mg or placebo, administered orally, twice daily for 12 weeks, followed by a 52-week extension phase. The primary end point was the area under the curve (AUC) for the total number of oral ulcers during the 12-week placebo-controlled period (with lower values indicating fewer ulcers). There were 13 secondary end points, including complete response of oral ulcers, change from baseline in pain associated with oral ulcers, disease activity, and change from baseline in the Behet’s Disease Quality of Life score (range, 0 to 30, with higher scores indicating greater impairment in quality of life). Safety was also assessed.


A total of 207 patients underwent randomization (104 patients to the apremilast group and 103 to the placebo group). The AUC for the number of oral ulcers was 129.5 for apremilast, as compared with 222.1 for placebo (least-squares mean difference, 92.6; 95% confidence interval [CI], 130.6 to 54.6; P<0.001). The change from baseline in the Behet’s Disease Quality of Life score was 4.3 points in the apremilast group, as compared with 1.2 points in the placebo group (least-squares mean difference, 3.1 points; 95% CI, 4.9 to 1.3). Adverse events with apremilast included diarrhea, nausea, and headache.


In patients with oral ulcers associated with Behet’s syndrome, apremilast resulted in a greater reduction in the number of oral ulcers than placebo but was associated with adverse events, including diarrhea, nausea, and headache.

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1816594

Source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1816594



The New England Journal of Medicine:《新英格兰医学杂志》,创刊于1812年。隶属于美国麻省医学协会,最新IF:70.67
