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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/11/15 16:54:03

2019年11月14日,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校Klaus Schulten研究组在《细胞》发表论文,他们通过解析光合色素体的结构揭示了细胞能量代谢的原理。




Title: Atoms to Phenotypes: Molecular Design Principles of Cellular Energy Metabolism

Author: Abhishek Singharoy, Christopher Maffeo, Karelia H. Delgado-Magnero, David J.K. Swainsbury, Melih Sener, Ulrich Kleinekathfer, John W. Vant, Jonathan Nguyen, Andrew Hitchcock, Barry Isralewitz, Ivan Teo, Danielle E. Chandler, John E. Stone, James C. Phillips, Taras V. Pogorelov, M. Ilaria Mallus, Christophe Chipot, Zaida Luthey-Schulten, D. Peter Tieleman, C. Neil Hunter, Emad Tajkhorshid, Aleksei Aksimentiev, Klaus Schulten

Issue&Volume: 2019/11/14

Abstract: We report a 100-million atom-scale model of an entire cell organelle, a photosyntheticchromatophore vesicle from a purple bacterium, that reveals the cascade of energyconversion steps culminating in the generation of ATP from sunlight. Molecular dynamicssimulations of this vesicle elucidate how the integral membrane complexes influencelocal curvature to tune photoexcitation of pigments. Brownian dynamics of small moleculeswithin the chromatophore probe the mechanisms of directional charge transport undervarious pH and salinity conditions. Reproducing phenotypic properties from atomisticdetails, a kinetic model evinces that low-light adaptations of the bacterium emergeas a spontaneous outcome of optimizing the balance between the chromatophore’s structuralintegrity and robust energy conversion. Parallels are drawn with the more universal mitochondrialbioenergetic machinery, from whence molecular-scale insights into the mechanism ofcellular aging are inferred. Together, our integrative method and spectroscopic experimentspave the way to first-principles modeling of whole living cells.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.10.021

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)31171-7

