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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/11/15 16:53:03

近日,加拿大大学健康网络Mathieu Lupien与荷兰癌症研究所Wilbert Zwart等研究人员合作利用顺式组的划分揭示了原发性前列腺癌中主要转录调节因子的体细胞突变和风险变异的汇集。相关论文于2019年11月14日在线发表在《癌细胞》杂志上。




Title: Cistrome Partitioning Reveals Convergence of Somatic Mutations and Risk Variants on Master Transcription Regulators in Primary Prostate Tumors

Author: Parisa Mazrooei, Ken J. Kron, Yanyun Zhu, Stanley Zhou, Giacomo Grillo, Tahmid Mehdi, Musaddeque Ahmed, Tesa M. Severson, Paul Guilhamon, Nicholas Sinnott Armstrong, Vincent Huang, Takafumi N. Yamaguchi, Michael Fraser, Theodorus van der Kwast, Paul C. Boutros, Housheng Hansen He, Andries M. Bergman, Robert G. Bristow, Wilbert Zwart, Mathieu Lupien

Issue&Volume: November 14, 2019

Abstract: Thousands of noncoding somatic single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) of unknown functionare reported in tumors. Partitioning the genome according to cistromes reveals theenrichment of somatic SNVs in prostate tumors as opposed to adjacent normal tissuecistromes of master transcription regulators, including AR, FOXA1, and HOXB13. Thisparallels enrichment of prostate cancer genetic predispositions over these transcriptionregulators' tumor cistromes, exemplified at the 8q24 locus harboring both risk variantsand somatic SNVs in cis-regulatory elements upregulating MYC expression. However, Massively Parallel Reporter Assays reveal that few SNVs canalter the transactivation potential of individual cis-regulatory elements. Instead, similar to inherited risk variants, SNVs accumulatein cistromes of master transcription regulators required for prostate cancer development.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2019.10.005

Source: https://www.cell.com/cancer-cell/fulltext/S1535-6108(19)30479-9


Cancer Cell:《癌细胞》,创刊于2002年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:23.916
