美国佛罗里达大学Brett R. Scheffers和英国谢菲尔德大学David P. Edwards等研究人员合作分析了全球野生动物贸易现状。该研究于2019年10月4日发表于国际一流学术期刊《科学》。
使用不同的评估方法,研究人员预测,由于野生动物的系统进化替代和性状与当前交易的物种相似,未来的贸易将影响多达3196种其他物种,共计8775种物种因贸易而濒临灭绝。 这些评估强调需要制定战略计划,以积极主动而非被动的政策来打击贸易;这尤其重要,因为随着人类继续在生命树上收获和进行贸易,物种可以迅速从安全变为濒危。
据介绍,野生动物贸易是一个价值数十亿美元的产业,正在加速物种灭绝。在全球超过31500种陆生鸟类、哺乳动物、两栖动物和鳞状爬行动物中,约有18%(N = 5579)在全球交易。交易的物种在在系统发育上是属于严格保护的,并且交易的热点集中在生物多样的热带地区。
Title: Global wildlife trade across the tree of life
Author: Brett R. Scheffers, Brunno F. Oliveira, Ieuan Lamb, David P. Edwards
Issue&Volume: Volume 366 Issue 6461
Abstract: Wildlife trade is a multibillion dollar industry that is driving species toward extinction. Of >31,500 terrestrial bird, mammal, amphibian, and squamate reptile species, ~18% (N = 5579) are traded globally. Trade is strongly phylogenetically conserved, and the hotspots of this trade are concentrated in the biologically diverse tropics. Using different assessment approaches, we predict that, owing to their phylogenetic replacement and trait similarity to currently traded species, future trade will affect up to 3196 additional species—totaling 8775 species at risk of extinction from trade. Our assessment underscores the need for a strategic plan to combat trade with policies that are proactive rather than reactive, which is especially important because species can quickly transition from being safe to being endangered as humans continue to harvest and trade across the tree of life.
DOI: 10.1126/science.aav5327