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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/10/18 15:20:16

欧洲分子生物学实验室Martin Beck和Bernhard Hampoelz研究团队合作的最新研究发现,在卵子发生过程中,核孔蛋白凝聚组装成核孔。 这一研究成果发表在2019年10月17日出版的《细胞》上。

研究显示在果蝇卵子发生过程中,核孔蛋白相互作用并凝结形成核孔复合体(NPC)的不同前体颗粒。 Nup358是凝结到NPC组装平台中的关键参与者,而其mRNA则以翻译依赖的方式定位在其表面上。在微管依赖运输过程中,小GTPase Ran和核运输受体相协调,调控卵母细胞中的NPC生物发生。该研究描述了一种非经典的NPC组装机制,该机制依赖于核孔蛋白凝结,并在细胞周期停滞的条件下远离细胞核发生。

据悉,目前研究认为指导核孔复合体(NPC)组装到核膜的分子事件是发生在有丝分裂或细胞分裂间期的两种途径。在配子和胚胎细胞中,NPCs也出现在堆叠的胞质膜片内,称为环状片层(AL),可作为NPC的早期储存库。 然而NPC在细胞质膜上的生物发生机制仍然未知。


Title: Nuclear Pores Assemble from Nucleoporin Condensates During Oogenesis

Author: Bernhard Hampoelz, Andre Schwarz, Paolo Ronchi, Helena Bragulat-Teixidor, Christian Tischer, Imre Gaspar, Anne Ephrussi, Yannick Schwab, Martin Beck

Issue&Volume: 2019/10/17


The molecular events that direct nuclear pore complex (NPC) assembly toward nuclear envelopes have been conceptualized in two pathways that occur during mitosis or interphase, respectively. In gametes and embryonic cells, NPCs also occur within stacked cytoplasmic membrane sheets, termed annulate lamellae (AL), which serve as NPC storage for early development. The mechanism of NPC biogenesis at cytoplasmic membranes remains unknown. Here, we show that during Drosophila oogenesis, Nucleoporins condense into different precursor granules that interact and progress into NPCs. Nup358 is a key player that condenses into NPC assembly platforms while its mRNA localizes to their surface in a translation-dependent manner. In concert, Microtubule-dependent transport, the small GTPase Ran and nuclear transport receptors regulate NPC biogenesis in oocytes. We delineate a non-canonical NPC assembly mechanism that relies on Nucleoporin condensates and occurs away from the nucleus under conditions of cell cycle arrest.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.09.022

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)31073-6

