2019年10月11日,瑞士苏黎世大学Steven A. Brown、Shiva K. Tyagarajan和德国慕尼黑大学Maria S. Robles等研究人员合作在《科学》杂志发表论文,揭示了前脑突触转录组由时间调控,但其蛋白质组由睡眠驱动。
Title: The forebrain synaptic transcriptome is organized by clocks but its proteome is driven by sleep
Author: Sara B. Noya, David Colameo, Franziska Brüning, Andrea Spinnler, Dennis Mircsof, Lennart Opitz, Matthias Mann, Shiva K. Tyagarajan, Maria S. Robles, Steven A. Brown
Issue&Volume: Volume 366 Issue 6462
Neurons have adapted mechanisms to traffic RNA and protein into distant dendritic and axonal arbors. Taking a biochemical approach, we reveal that forebrain synaptic transcript accumulation shows overwhelmingly daily rhythms, with two-thirds of synaptic transcripts showing time-of-day–dependent abundance independent of oscillations in the soma. These transcripts formed two sharp temporal and functional clusters, with transcripts preceding dawn related to metabolism and translation and those anticipating dusk related to synaptic transmission. Characterization of the synaptic proteome around the clock demonstrates the functional relevance of temporal gating for synaptic processes and energy homeostasis. Unexpectedly, sleep deprivation completely abolished proteome but not transcript oscillations. Altogether, the emerging picture is one of a circadian anticipation of messenger RNA needs in the synapse followed by translation as demanded by sleep-wake cycles.
DOI: 10.1126/science.aav2642
Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/366/6462/eaav2642