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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/10/11 14:18:35

法国巴黎塞纳河神经科学大学M. A. Diana小组,研究发现甘氨酸门控GluN1/GluN3A N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体对成年内侧缰核(MHb)厌恶情绪的控制。这一研究成果2019年10月11日发表在《科学》杂志上。

他们发现,GluN1 / GluN3A受体在小鼠成年MHb(控制恶性生理状态的上丘脑区)的神经元中起作用。 在MHb中没有甘氨酸能神经元专长的情况下,神经胶质细胞通过GluN1 / GluN3A受体调节神经元活性。降低MHb中的GluN1 / GluN3A受体水平可以防止产生厌恶情绪调控。 甘氨酸通过兴奋性甘氨酸能NMDA受体控制负值情绪联想,这项研究借此扩展了甘氨酸的生理和行为含义。

据介绍,当与其他结合甘氨酸的亚基GluN1结合时,非经典的NMDA受体亚基GluN3A和GluN3B可以产生纯被甘氨酸激活的兴奋性电导。但是,尚未在天然成人组织中鉴定出功能性GluN1 / GluN3受体。


Title: Control of aversion by glycine-gated GluN1/GluN3A NMDA receptors in the adult medial habenula

Author: Y. Otsu, E. Darcq, K. Pietrajtis, F. Mátyás, E. Schwartz, T. Bessaih, S. Abi Gerges, C. V. Rousseau, T. Grand, S. Dieudonné, P. Paoletti, L. Acsády, C. Agulhon, B. L. Kieffer, M. A. Diana

Issue&Volume: Volume 366 Issue 6462


The unconventional N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunits GluN3A and GluN3B can, when associated with the other glycine-binding subunit GluN1, generate excitatory conductances purely activated by glycine. However, functional GluN1/GluN3 receptors have not been identified in native adult tissues. We discovered that GluN1/GluN3A receptors are operational in neurons of the mouse adult medial habenula (MHb), an epithalamic area controlling aversive physiological states. In the absence of glycinergic neuronal specializations in the MHb, glial cells tuned neuronal activity via GluN1/GluN3A receptors. Reducing GluN1/GluN3A receptor levels in the MHb prevented place-aversion conditioning. Our study extends the physiological and behavioral implications of glycine by demonstrating its control of negatively valued emotional associations via excitatory glycinergic NMDA receptors.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aax1522


