作者:未玖 来源:科学网微信公众号 发布时间:2025/3/8 21:18:31



Nature, 6 March 2025, Volume 639, Issue 8053



Real-time inference for binary neutron star mergers using machine learning


▲ 作者:Maximilian Dax, Stephen R. Green, Jonathan Gair, Nihar Gupte, Michael Pürrer, Vivien Raymond, et al.




双中子星的合并会同时发射引力波(GW)和电磁波谱信号。众所周知,2017年对GW170817的多信使观测导致了宇宙学、核物理学和引力领域的科学发现。这些结果的核心是从GW数据(如GW170817)中获得的天空定位和距离,这有助于识别GW信号发出后11小时的相关电磁瞬变,即AT 2017gfo。




▲ Abstract:

Mergers of binary neutron stars emit signals in both the gravitational-wave (GW) and electromagnetic spectra. Famously, the 2017 multi-messenger observation of GW170817 led to scientific discoveries across cosmology, nuclear physics and gravity. Central to these results were the sky localization and distance obtained from the GW data, which, in the case of GW170817, helped to identify the associated electromagnetic transient, AT 2017gfo, 11 h after the GW signal. Fast analysis of GW data is critical for directing time-sensitive electromagnetic observations. However, owing to challenges arising from the length and complexity of signals, it is often necessary to make approximations that sacrifice accuracy. Here we present a machine-learning framework that performs complete binary neutron star inference in just 1 s without making any such approximations. Our approach enhances multi-messenger observations by providing: (1) accurate localization even before the merger; (2) improved localization precision by around 30% compared to approximate low-latency methods; and (3) detailed information on luminosity distance, inclination and masses, which can be used to prioritize expensive telescope time. Additionally, the flexibility and reduced cost of our method open new opportunities for equation-of-state studies. Finally, we demonstrate that our method scales to long signals, up to an hour in length, thus serving as a blueprint for data analysis for next-generation ground- and space-based detectors.


Orbital hybridization in graphene-based artificial atoms


▲ 作者:Yue Mao, Hui-Ying Ren, Xiao-Feng Zhou, Hao Sheng, Yun-Hao Xiao, Yu-Chen Zhuang, et al.







▲ Abstract:

Intra-atomic orbital hybridization and interatomic bond formation are the two fundamental processes when real atoms are condensed to form matter. Artificial atoms mimic real atoms by demonstrating discrete energy levels attributable to quantum confinement. As such, they offer a solid-state analogue for simulating intra-atomic orbital hybridization and interatomic bond formation. Signatures of interatomic bond formation have been extensively observed in various artificial atoms. However, direct evidence of the intra-atomic orbital hybridization in the artificial atoms remains to be experimentally demonstrated. Here we realize the orbital hybridization in artificial atoms by altering the shape of the artificial atoms. The anisotropy of the confining potential gives rise to the hybridization between quasibound states with different orbital quantum numbers within the artificial atom. These hybridized orbits are directly visualized in real space in our experiment and are well reproduced by both numerical calculations and analytical derivations. Our study opens an avenue for designing artificial matter that cannot be accessed on real atoms through experiments. Moreover, the results obtained inspire the progressive control of quantum states in diverse systems.

Interplay of geometrical and spin chiralities in 3D twisted magnetic ribbons


▲ 作者:André M. A. Farinha, See-Hun Yang, Jiho Yoon, Banabir Pal & Stuart S. P. Parkin








▲ Abstract:

Chirality is a ubiquitous and fundamental asymmetry in nature. Recently, the interaction of chiral objects with spin currents has attracted enormous attention from both scientific and technological perspectives. Of particular interest is the current-driven motion of chiral topological excitations such as chiral magnetic domain walls in chiral three-dimensional magnetic structures that could allow for high-density memory-storage devices. Here we use state-of-the-art multiphoton lithography to create three-dimensional chiral magnetic ribbons and perform current-induced motion of chiral domain walls. The ribbons are designed to have a clockwise or anticlockwise chiral twist with a variable magnitude. We find that domain walls can either pass through the ribbon or are impeded, depending on their chirality and configuration and the geometrical chiral twist of the ribbon. The interplay between the magnetic exchange energy and the geometrical twist generates a torsional field that favours chiral Bloch-type walls rather than the Néel-type wall favoured by the intrinsic magnetic properties of the magnetic ribbon itself. Furthermore, the interplay of spin chirality and chiral twist results in a non-reciprocal domain wall motion, namely, a domain wall filter or diode. Our findings show how the interplay between geometrical and spin chiralities can lead to new functionalities that could allow for innovative chiral spintronics.

材料科学Materials Science

Steering perovskite precursor solutions for multijunction photovoltaics


▲ 作者:Shuaifeng Hu, Junke Wang, Pei Zhao, Jorge Pascual, Jianan Wang, Florine Rombach, et al.






研究组的增强锡铅钙钛矿层实现了制造PCE分别为23.9%、29.7%(认证为29.26%)和28.7%的单结、双结和三结器件的太阳能电池。该1 cm2三结器件的PCE为28.4%(认证为27.28%)。封装的三结电池在标准测试条件下进行最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)860小时后仍保持80%的初始效率。

研究组进一步制备了四结器件,获得了27.9%的PCE,最高开路电压为4.94 V。这项工作为多结PV建立了一个新基准。

▲ Abstract:

Multijunction photovoltaics (PVs) are gaining prominence owing to their superior capability of achieving power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) beyond the radiative limit of single-junction cells, for which improving narrow-bandgap (NBG) tin–lead perovskites is critical for thin-film devices. Here, with a focus on understanding the chemistry of tin–lead perovskite precursor solutions, we find that Sn(II) species dominate interactions with precursors and additives and uncover the exclusive role of carboxylic acid in regulating solution colloidal properties and film crystallization and ammonium in improving film optoelectronic properties. Materials that combine these two functional groups, amino acid salts, considerably improve the semiconducting quality and homogeneity of perovskite films, surpassing the effect of the individual functional groups when introduced as part of separate molecules. Our enhanced tin–lead perovskite layer allows us to fabricate solar cells with PCEs of 23.9%, 29.7% (certified 29.26%) and 28.7% for single-junction, double-junction and triple-junction devices, respectively. Our 1-cm2triple-junction devices show PCEs of 28.4% (certified 27.28%). Encapsulated triple-junction cells maintain 80% of their initial efficiencies after 860 h maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in ambient. We further fabricate quadruple-junction devices and obtain PCEs of 27.9% with the highest open-circuit voltage of 4.94 V. This work establishes a new benchmark for multijunction PVs.

机械工程Mechanical Engineering

Achieving kilowatt-scale elastocaloric cooling by a multi-cell architecture


▲ 作者:Guoan Zhou, Lingyun Zhang, Zexi Li, Peng Hua, Qingping Sun & Shuhuai Yao





研究组使用薄壁压缩管状镍钛在“SMA串联—流体并联”架构中构建了一个千瓦级的弹性热冷却装置,称为多单元架构。在高频操作(3.5 Hz)下,薄壁管状镍钛具有较大的比表面积,并辅以石墨烯纳米流体作为高效传热剂,从而实现了12.3 W g?1的大比冷却功率。


▲ Abstract:

Elastocaloric cooling using shape memory alloys (SMAs) has attracted considerable interest as an environmentally friendly, energy-efficient alternative to conventional vapour-compression refrigeration. However, the limited cooling power of existing devices (≤300 W) hampers the commercialization of this technology. Here we constructed a kilowatt-scale elastocaloric cooling device using compressive tubular NiTi in an ‘SMAs in series–fluid in parallel’ architecture, referred to as the multi-cell architecture. A large specific cooling power of 12.3 W g?1was achieved by the large surface-area-to-volume ratio of thin-walled tubular NiTi at high-frequency operation (3.5 Hz), complemented by graphene nanofluid as an efficient heat transfer agent. Furthermore, the multi-cell architecture ensures a sufficient elastocaloric mass for tight assembly while maintaining a low system fluid pressure. Our device achieves a cooling power of 1,284 W on the fluid side at zero temperature lift during the initial 500,000 cycles, demonstrating the potential of this green cooling technology for a decarbonized future.

地球科学Earth Science

Glacial isostatic adjustment reveals Mars’s interior viscosity structure


▲ 作者:A. Broquet, A.-C. Plesa, V. Klemann, B. C. Root, A. Genova, M. A. Wieczorek, et al.






只有现今高粘度(深度大于500千米时为2~6×1022Pa s)、放射性成因元素的强烈地幔耗竭(超过90%)和厚平均地壳(厚度大于40千米)的模式与雷达观测到的北极冰盖下可忽略的变形一致。北部岩石圈的变形速度必须小于0.13 mm /年,地震能量释放效率必须小于0.3,才能分别满足重力和地震约束。


▲ Abstract:

Investigating glacial isostatic adjustment has been the standard method to decipher Earth’s interior viscosity structure, but such an approach has been rarely applied to other planets because of a lack of observational data. The north polar cap of Mars is the only millions-of-years-old surface feature that can induce measurable surface deformation on this planet, thereby holding clues to its present-day internal viscosity structure. Here we investigate the emplacement of this ice cap by combining thermal evolution models, viscoelastic deformation calculations and radar observations. We show that downward motion of the northern regions is ongoing and can be constrained by analyses of the time-variable gravity field and NASA’s InSight seismic moment rate. Only models with present-day high viscosities (2–6 ×1022Pa s for depths greater than 500 km), strong mantle depletion in radiogenic elements (more than 90%) and thick average crusts (thicker than 40 km) are consistent with the negligible flexure beneath the polar cap seen by radars. The northern lithosphere must deform at less than 0.13 mm per year and have a seismic efficiency less than 0.3 to satisfy gravity and seismic constraints, respectively. Our models show that the north polar cap formed over the last 1.7–12.0 Myr and that glacial isostatic adjustment can be further constrained by future gravity recovery missions to Mars.

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