Advanced inorganic components, ceramics in particular, be them with micro pores or macro structs, either in a lattice or an irregular form, have been extensively used in advanced applications, ranging from load-bearing parts, bone implants, catalytic filters, to functional device components, due to their promising chemical and biological stability, and robust physical properties such as electrochemical, acoustic, optical, and magnetic characteristics. In this presentation, we report current advances of structural and functional inorganic ceramic components prepared with an integrated design and 3D printing approach in our institute (AMI-SZU), with a main focus on the photopolymerization 3D printing using UV light. Honeycomb structures of cordierite are fabricated using DLP polymerization-based 3D printing technique for gas purifier use. Ordered lattice structures of polymer-derived ceramics, such as ZrOC and SiOC, are fabricated via DLP 3D printing technique as well for structural uses and microwave absorption uses. Lattice structures of Li4SiO4 are fabricated for tritium breeding used in fusion reactors. Porous thin layers of perovskite LSCF are fabricated using inkjet printing as electrodes used in SOFCs. Porous Li-based structures are fabricated using low temperature direct ink writing as electrodes used in LIBs. The principle, advantages and drawbacks of each 3D printing techniques involved are described in detail and the performance and properties of relevant ceramic components fabricated are discussed.
Dr. Zhangwei Chen is currently a full professor and the director of Additive Manufacturing Institute at Shenzhen University. He is a distinguished scholar of the University. Recently, as the leading scientist, he has won the First Prize of Shenzhen Natural Science Award and the Second Prize of Guangdong Natural Science Award. He earned his PhD from Imperial College London in 2014, and his Master degree from Xian Jiaotong University and Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2007. His research focuses on the additive manufacturing of high-performance materials and he has published over 140 papers with a citation of over 6000 times. 9 papers are ESI highly-cited or hot papers. He currently serves as the board member of the Additive Manufacturing Materials Branch of the Chinese Materials Society, the Additive Manufacturing Branch of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, and the Testing Branch of the Chinese Ceramic Society. He also serves as editorial member of prestigous journals including JMST, JAdvCeram, EngRep, etc. He won the JK Prize for PhD thesis of Imperial College London, Excellent Young Scholar of the Chinese Ceramic Society - Advanced Ceramics, China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Award, Inter
nationalAssociation of Advanced Materials Scientist Medal, Standford Universitys World Top 2% Scientist List etc. His research progress has been reported by
nationaland inter
nationalmedia coverage, such as Science Daily, 3DPRINT and so on.
陈张伟,深圳大学长聘教授,增材制造研究所所长,深圳大学优秀学者。获得深圳市自然科学一等奖(排第1)和广东省自然科学二等奖(排第1)。西安交通大学和法国里昂中央理工大学双硕士(2007)、英国伦敦帝国理工学院博士(2014)。从事高性能材料增材制造研究多年,至今在Progress in Materials Science等权威期刊发表论文140余篇,被引6000余次,入选ESI高被引和热点论文9篇。现任中国材料研究学会增材制造材料分会