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Nature, 19 October 2023, VOL 622, ISSUE 7983

Coherent nanophotonic electron accelerator
▲ 作者:Tomáš Chlouba, Roy Shiloh, Stefanie Kraus, Leon Brückner, Julian Litzel & Peter Hommelhoff
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▲ 摘要:
研究组展示了一种可扩展的纳米光子电子加速器,其相干结合了粒子加速和横向束限制,并在仅225 nm宽的通道中加速和引导电子超过长达500 μm的距离。结果观察到12.3 keV的最大相干能量增益,相当于增加了43%,从最初的28.4 keV增加到40.7 keV。
▲ Abstract:
Particle accelerators are essential tools in a variety of areas of industry, science and medicine. Typically, the footprint of these machines starts at a few square metres for medical applications and reaches the size of large research centres. Acceleration of electrons with the help of laser light inside of a photonic nanostructure represents a microscopic alternative with potentially orders-of-magnitude decrease in cost and size. Despite large efforts in research on dielectric laser acceleration, including complex electron phase space control with optical forces, noteworthy energy gains have not been shown so far. Here we demonstrate a scalable nanophotonic electron accelerator that coherently combines particle acceleration and transverse beam confinement, and accelerates and guides electrons over a considerable distance of 500 μm in a just 225-nm-wide channel. We observe a maximum coherent energy gain of 12.3 keV, equalling a substantial 43% energy increase of the initial 28.4 keV to 40.7 keV. We expect this work to lead directly to the advent of nanophotonic accelerators offering high acceleration gradients up to the GeV m-1 range utilizing high-damage-threshold dielectric materials at minimal size requirements. These on-chip particle accelerators will enable transformative applications in medicine, industry, materials research and science.
Cavity-mediated thermal control of metal-to-insulator transition in 1T-TaS2
▲ 作者:Giacomo Jarc, Shahla Yasmin Mathengattil, Angela Montanaro, Francesca Giusti, Enrico Maria Rigoni, Rudi Sergo, et al.
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▲ Abstract:
Placing quantum materials into optical cavities provides a unique platform for controlling quantum cooperative properties of matter, by both weak and strong light–matter coupling. Here we report experimental evidence of reversible cavity control of a metal-to-insulator phase transition in a correlated solid-state material. We embed the charge density wave material 1T-TaS2 into cryogenic tunable terahertz cavities and show that a switch between conductive and insulating behaviours, associated with a large change in the sample temperature, is obtained by mechanically tuning the distance between the cavity mirrors and their alignment. The large thermal modification observed is indicative of a Purcell-like scenario in which the spectral profile of the cavity modifies the energy exchange between the material and the external electromagnetic field. Our findings provide opportunities for controlling the thermodynamics and macroscopic transport properties of quantum materials by engineering their electromagnetic environment.
材料科学Materials Science
Tautomeric mixture coordination enables efficient lead-free perovskite LEDs
▲ 作者:Dongyuan Han, Jie Wang, Lorenzo Agosta, Ziang Zang, Bin Zhao, Lingmei Kong, et al.
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▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract:
Lead halide perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs) have demonstrated remarkable optoelectronic performance. However, there are potential toxicity issues with lead and removing lead from the best-performing PeLEDs—without compromising their high external quantum efficiencies—remains a challenge. Here we report a tautomeric-mixture-coordination-induced electron localization strategy to stabilize the lead-free tin perovskite TEA2SnI4 (TEAI is 2-thiopheneethylammonium iodide) by incorporating cyanuric acid. We demonstrate that a crucial function of the coordination is to amplify the electronic effects, even for those Sn atoms that aren’t strongly bonded with cyanuric acid owing to the formation of hydrogen-bonded tautomeric dimer and trimer superstructures on the perovskite surface. This electron localization weakens adverse effects from Anderson localization and improves ordering in the crystal structure of TEA2SnI4. These factors result in a two-orders-of-magnitude reduction in the non-radiative recombination capture coefficient and an approximately twofold enhancement in the exciton binding energy. Our lead-free PeLED has an external quantum efficiency of up to 20.29%, representing a performance comparable to that of state-of-the-art lead-containing PeLEDs. We anticipate that these findings will provide insights into the stabilization of Sn(II) perovskites and further the development of lead-free perovskite applications.
Flatband λ-Ti3O5 towards extraordinary solar steam generation
▲ 作者:Bo Yang, Zhiming Zhang, Peitao Liu, Xiankai Fu, Jiantao Wang, Yu Cao, et al.
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▲ 摘要:
研究组提出了一种通过引入平带电子结构来大大提高联合态密度的策略。结果表明,由于Ti-Ti二聚体在费米能级附近诱导的平带,金属λ-Ti3O5粉末具有96.4%的高太阳能吸收率。通过将λ-Ti3O5粉末纳入具有锥形腔的三维多孔水凝胶蒸发器中,在一倍太阳光照且没有盐沉淀的情况下,对3.5 wt%的盐水实现了前所未有的高蒸发率,约为6.09 kg/m2/h。
▲ Abstract:
Solar steam interfacial evaporation represents a promising strategy for seawater desalination and wastewater purification owing to its environmentally friendly character. To improve the solar-to-steam generation, most previous efforts have focused on effectively harvesting solar energy over the full solar spectrum. However, the importance of tuning joint densities of states in enhancing solar absorption of photothermal materials is less emphasized. Here we propose a route to greatly elevate joint densities of states by introducing a flat-band electronic structure. Our study reveals that metallic λ-Ti3O5 powders show a high solar absorptivity of 96.4% due to Ti–Ti dimer-induced flat bands around the Fermi level. By incorporating them into three-dimensional porous hydrogel-based evaporators with a conical cavity, an unprecedentedly high evaporation rate of roughly 6.09 kilograms per square metre per hour is achieved for 3.5 weight percent saline water under 1 sun of irradiation without salt precipitation. Fundamentally, the Ti–Ti dimers and U-shaped groove structure exposed on the λ-Ti3O5 surface facilitate the dissociation of adsorbed water molecules and benefit the interfacial water evaporation in the form of small clusters. The present work highlights the crucial roles of Ti–Ti dimer-induced flat bands in enchaining solar absorption and peculiar U-shaped grooves in promoting water dissociation, offering insights into access to cost-effective solar-to-steam generation.
地球科学Earth Science
Overshooting the critical threshold for the Greenland ice sheet
▲ 作者:Nils Bochow, Anna Poltronieri, Alexander Robinson, Marisa Montoya, Martin Rypdal & Niklas Boers
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▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract:
Melting of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) in response to anthropogenic global warming poses a severe threat in terms of global sea-level rise (SLR). Modelling and palaeoclimate evidence suggest that rapidly increasing temperatures in the Arctic can trigger positive feedback mechanisms for the GrIS, leading to self-sustained melting, and the GrIS has been shown to permit several stable states. Critical transitions are expected when the global mean temperature (GMT) crosses specific thresholds, with substantial hysteresis between the stable states. Here we use two independent ice-sheet models to investigate the impact of different overshoot scenarios with varying peak and convergence temperatures for a broad range of warming and subsequent cooling rates. Our results show that the maximum GMT and the time span of overshooting given GMT targets are critical in determining GrIS stability. We find a threshold GMT between 1.7 ℃ and 2.3 ℃ above preindustrial levels for an abrupt ice-sheet loss. GrIS loss can be substantially mitigated, even for maximum GMTs of 6 ℃ or more above preindustrial levels, if the GMT is subsequently reduced to less than 1.5 ℃ above preindustrial levels within a few centuries. However, our results also show that even temporarily overshooting the temperature threshold, without a transition to a new ice-sheet state, still leads to a peak in SLR of up to several metres.
Tropical Atlantic multidecadal variability is dominated by external forcing
▲ 作者:Chengfei He, Amy C. Clement, Sydney M. Kramer, Mark A. Cane, Jeremy M. Klavans, Tyler M. Fenske, et al.
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▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract:
The tropical Atlantic climate is characterized by prominent and correlated multidecadal variability in Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs), Sahel rainfall and hurricane activity. Owing to uncertainties in both the models and the observations, the origin of the physical relationships among these systems has remained controversial. Here we show that the cross-equatorial gradient in tropical Atlantic SSTs—largely driven by radiative perturbations associated with anthropogenic emissions and volcanic aerosols since 1950—is a key determinant of Atlantic hurricane formation and Sahel rainfall. The relationship is obscured in a large ensemble of CMIP6 Earth system models, because the models overestimate long-term trends for warming in the Northern Hemisphere relative to the Southern Hemisphere from around 1950 as well as associated changes in atmospheric circulation and rainfall. When the overestimated trends are removed, correlations between SSTs and Atlantic hurricane formation and Sahel rainfall emerge as a response to radiative forcing, especially since 1950 when anthropogenic aerosol forcing has been high. Our findings establish that the tropical Atlantic SST gradient is a stronger determinant of tropical impacts than SSTs across the entire North Atlantic, because the gradient is more physically connected to tropical impacts via local atmospheric circulations. Our findings highlight that Atlantic hurricane activity and Sahel rainfall variations can be predicted from radiative forcing driven by anthropogenic emissions and volcanism, but firmer predictions are limited by the signal-to-noise paradox and uncertainty in future climate forcings.